Soon after writing this post it was announced that Rosemary is a Sage and is now named Salvia rosmarinus
Rosemary is a symbol of friendship, trust and love.
From first writings Rosemary to help with memory and remembering past loved ones and our own true path.
Ancient Greeks students threaded sprigs of Rosemary through their hair- to encourage clear thinking and a good memory.
Warming, Pungent and Invigorating. Main element is Fire. Ruled by the Sun- Vitality and individuality.
Rosemary has both a cleansing and a protective nature.
Circulation is a key note for Rosemary. This herb is warming and is excellent for cold, sluggish circulation. Heavy, tired and cold people. Cold painful joints. Protects against arteriosclerosis. Cramps. Shock held in the muscles. Headaches and depression associated with exhaustion- The fire burnt out. For exhausted yang energy, always giving out. Not only promotes blood circulation but also Qi energy.
Rosemary works brilliantly as a brain tonic. Enhances clarity, clears the brain of clutter, connects you to your Courage and self confidence and thus able to speak clearly and from the heart ie what you really want to say.
A wonderful Heart Herb that lifts the spirits. Helping to strengthen and tone the circulatory system of the heart and its muscle as needed. Rosemary also supports the emotions of the heart such as joy, sadness, grief, depression and anxiety.
Rosemary is calming and is known as a nervine stimulant. This action helps to ease tension held due to sluggish states, which may be caused due to stuck emotional patterns or emotions held in shock. Helps to motivate and clear fatigue, gloom and helps those that over think. Also helps to process hatred and bitterness esp for those that have experienced abuse from another and have built strong walls around the heart. Gives space for the Joy to flow.
The herb can help unblock deep seated emotions and helps you to process and if needed speak about them clearly with heart supported.
The Circulatory, cleansing via blood and kidneys, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory actions can help to ease joint and muscles pains esp in rheumatism, gout and arthritis. These actions also help clear acne.
This herb like so many in the Lamiaceae family has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral actions. As well as supports our digestive function and immune strength. Can help many aliments including windy, bloated tummy, candida and diabetes.
Rosemary being stimulating, warm and dry is good for any excess phlegm in the body.
Excellent gargle that can help to clear chronic lung conditions like bronchitis and then works as a preventative. Brilliant for coughs especially where there is spasm such as in asthma. Great taken with Thyme.
Externally Rosemary is excellent for the scalp and hair. Stimulating hair follicles, improving the condition of the hair and in some can help with baldness and dandruff.
For women’s balance. Avoid in pregnancy.
For anaemia and low energy dose with strong infusions taken internally and foot baths.
Rosemary is very high in vitamins and minerals. iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, B vitamins, Vitamin C and A
A note on blood pressure. The essential oil is best avoided in high blood pressure. Overall the whole herb is a Heart Tonic and can help all aliments of the Heart. However overall this herb is for low blood pressure.
Rosemary played a big role in ceremony especially in marriage, fertility and death.
Medicine is made from the ariel parts. Harvested all year, few times a year you can harvest the flowers.
Flowers best to harvest just before full flowering.
1 teaspoon for infusions. 1-2ml up to three times a day of the tincture.
The Fresh plant is a wonderful way to work with Rosemary.
Gargle made from tincture, vinegar, decoction or strong infusion. Also clears mouth infections. Can also be used a s a douche.
Essential oil of Rosemary and infused oil in a massage blend.
Rosemary vinegar made into a hair tonic great for hair and for health of scalp. Fresh Rosemary can be made into a strong infusion, over night \all day. Strained and then used as a hair final rinse.
Rosemary vinegar can also be taken internally, especially if already take cider vinegar therapeutically or in salad dressings. Also externally as a lotion. The tea can also be used as a lotion.
Herbal salt. Good as a gargle for gum and tooth problems. Also use for wounds.. As well as culinary.
Rosemary baths or foot baths. WONDERFUL, INVIGORATING and all the wonderful attributes of the herb, including in convalescence.
Balms or liniments made with Rosemary infused oil, tincture, vinegar or essential oil in a base all to move the circulation and other stuck states. The action the Rosemary is making in all these preparations is known as a Rubefacient - a circulatory stimulant. Thus easing the inflammation and pain of ailments such as arthritis, rheumatism, neuralgia, muscular injuries, bruises, sprains, chilblains, period pains, wounds, bites and stings. Also as an insecticide. Powdered fresh or dry herb for wounds.
Throughout time Rosemary has been an important herb to protect you from infection. Many stories from the past, including writings about the bubonic plague include Rosemary as being an important medicine. Often Rosemary was around hospitals, funerals and coffins to protect against contagious germs.
Constituents\Compounds and Actions:
The high volatile oil (essential oil) content which include borneol, linalol, camphor and cineole these all link to the rubefacient, anti spasmodic, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-parasitic, relaxant, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory and endocrine actions
Bitter links to the carminative and cholagogue (stimulates liver and gallbladder) action.
Tannins give the herb a drying astringent action. Esp. toning vessels, anti-inflammatory and wound healing.
Resins link to the antimicrobial actions.