All parts are medicinal. The green leaves and beautiful smelling flowers are the main medicinal parts of this tree. Infusions as well as powdered herb can be taken in smoothies. Also added to soups, stews and salads.
High in antioxidants such as Quercetin. Protein & all 9 essential amino acids, fibre, vitamins such as A, B2, B6, C, E and minerals such as Calcium, Magnesium, iron.
Great for healthy skin- prevents, repairs and protects cell damage. Maintains strong bones and muscles. Cleansing and protective to the liver.
Balances blood sugar levels and cholesterol and helps to break down unwanted fats. Improves circulation, heart tonic and reduces joints pains.
Excellent for the immune system and has been shown to support those in chronic compromised states such as in cancer, diabetes and other autoimmune conditions.
Moringa is an adaptogen and so excellent in any stress induced condition. Boosts energy and helps with fatigue and tiredness. Including when associated with anaemia.
The herb is great for sleep and overactive states.
Gratitude to this beautiful tree.