The course will be practical and connect with the call of the wild.
Experiencing a journey with the plants and through this the ability to strengthen our instinct and intuition to heal ourselves and others.
5 days of exploring plants through kitchen medicine looking at herbs, spices and other foods that are not just tasty but provide vital health benefits.
You will learn simple healthy techniques that help to keep mind and body in balance and feeling good. We will go on herbal walks, tea tastings-working with all our senses, Making medicines from what we harvest as well as rejuvenating herbal restoratives.
We will also experience a Plant study and will connect with some Ally plants.
We will be working with wild plants, the abundance that has be planted and whatever we need from the dispensary.
The 5 days will also include morning yoga, evening herbal discussions and music. Home cooked vegetarian food with delights from the garden!
Total cost including materials, food and board €300.
Payment plan can be discussed.
To book your place on the course, please email [email protected]
Next Plant Study is 26\27th October
A plant study is time spent with one plant. A process takes place over the time, firstly coming out of our Head and into our Heart.
Meeting the plant, first impressions, observations of the plants, understanding its growing patterns, drawing and expressing the plant in what ever form comes through us. Abstract and exact. Working with words, movement, art materials, time alone, time sharing with the group. Gaining a communication with the plant, understanding its message and then grounding the experience by making medicines with the plant. A journey takes place, gaining a deeper connection not only with the plant but also to yourself.
Email [email protected] to book your place.