Here are some quotes from some of the attendants:
“Life Changing”
“The astrology workshop felt like it opened my senses to magic and belief in Oneness”
“I feel prepared and excited to embrace all that is to come “
”I look forward to attending the workshops in 2018! I would not like to miss it for the world and highly recommend it to anyone”
"I found such inspiration at Ceratonia! The beautiful Prana-filled premises with all the amazing people I had the opportunity to meet and learn with, as well as the insight into astrological chart reading's have motivated me tremendously to accept myself and my spiritual journey."
Rosmarinus officinalis, Alecrim in Portuguese of the Laminaceae Family.
A herb to help heal the heart in times of grief. For clarity of mind and memory. Improves circulation, strengthens emotional health and supports digestion. A herb of the Sun.
8th October THE HEALING ROSE with Gazalla Zabek
11th November First class in learning about Herbal Medicine with Daisy Mae in the beautiful gardens at Ceratonia. Note change of date.
1-2nd December Aromatherapy with Daisy Mae and Fernanda Botelho.
Christopher Hedley was my mentor, herbalist and most brilliant wise teacher.
With gratitude and Love.