This is a dark time, but the Fire continues to be a support in the transformations that can occur.
Celebrations as we move into Samhain, the ending and beginning of the Celtic New Year. This is a magical time and a time to connect into the wisdom within yourself. The dark nights are building up fast and this is a good time to nurture and explore our creative life force..
This is a dark time, but the Fire continues to be a support in the transformations that can occur.
Pomegranate-Romã-Punica granatum Before and afters. We bought 20 or so tiny Romã saplings, we first planted them up in pots over the Winter. Planted in the gardens this May and now showing some growth. The delicious fruit is in all the markets at the moment, we have been adding the tasty seeds to salads and rice dishes. Medicines can be made from the whole fruit including the skin and bark. The juicy fruits are known as Superfoods and there is huge research to show how this amazing plant can help in many inflammatory imbalances such as osteoarthritis and heart disease. Excellent for the skin too! I look forward to the day when Ceratonia starts to bare Romã fruits and we can make preparations with them. In the meantime observing the growth of the trees we have planted. And the planting of the final 6 saplings in phase II holes in the coming weeks. After a huge amount of Rain everything is looking strong and lush. The red earth is going through a greening with a large array of tiny shoots. Tis very exciting as we see who is coming up.. Some tasty mushrooms came too and we had these in a soup with some of our fresh Ceratonia parsley. All our old favourites like the Lavender and Cystus are also coming into green leaf. The River is filling, feeling magical and full of promise. We will make fresh green manure from the abundant nettles this year, already many are popping up. So much has been going on with friends and family visits and working in the house, spaces forming and more and more of a grounding and settling occurring. Time spent in the garden: stone clearing and forming structure, planting areas being prepared, tending to the nursery and all the plants that we have planted. Clinic and research and the welcoming of new volunteers. Life at Ceratonia is a full one. The importance of reflection and pause becomes ever more vital and the supportive and nurturing impact of living and working in amongst the plants is very good. Datura much to say about this excellent powerful medicine, but in this moment I would like to give thanks to its trumpet blooms that have looked amazing in the rain and winds of these last few weeks. Here a flower in the Sun which for the moment has very much come back.
September 2024
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_The Herbarium