Carob Tree, St John’s Bread, Alfarrobeira, Johannisbrod
Leguminosae Family
I made a little film on YouTube about Carob:
Our project Ceratonia is named after this beautiful
abundant Medicine Tree.
Gratitude and Love to this Beautiful Tree
The bean and leaf can treat constipation as well as diarrhoea. Helps with nausea and vomiting. The duality is seen in the plants nature of having a drying astringent action as well as a demulcent soothing and protective action on irritated and inflamed tissues.
Overall the plant has a cleansing and healing action to the gut and the respiratory system especially with irritating harsh coughs.
The bean has been shown to help babies with vomiting, diarrhoea and fever. Also babies chewing on the pods helps with teething.
As well as being demulcent internally, the plant is also emollient externally so good for wound healing.
Scientific reports have shown that the plant has been found to heal cancerous cells. Also improve the ratio between high and low cholesterol levels.
The bark can be made into medicine most reports discuss the astringent action for diarrhoea.
The seeds when ground are known as carob gum and are high in galactose which gives energy and is as sweet as glucose. They also contain up to 60% protein.
Ancient Wisdom:
Legend states that John the Baptist ate the beans when out in the wilderness. Certainly the tree has been called a Famine food and has sustained people in times of hardship. The tree was thought of as a symbol of patience and investing in the future with no immediate gains, rather for generations to come.
In times of war through the ages the Carob has been noted as a source of sustenance. Also the carob has been given to animals for food.
Ancient Egyptians combined the Carob with oats, honey and wax as a medicine for diarrhoea, expelling worms and to treat poor eyesight and eye infections.
The powdered seeds were given to singers to help clear their throat.
Jewellers used the seeds as the original carat weight.
The bean pod contains, carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
The leaf and the bean contain good amounts of micro nutrients such as Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Manganese and Zinc.
Both contain condensed Tannin (proanthocyanidins) content thus having astringent healing action, antioxidant action, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anticarcinogenic, Heart protective.
The leaf and the bean also contains polyphenols and flavonoids-antiinflammatory actions, improve digestion, brain function, regulate blood sugar levels, as well as protect against blood clots, heart disease
and certain cancers.
Flour\powder is made from the beans and then made into many preparations for medicine and food.
Decoct the beans or make an over night infusion. Use the whole bean broken up, or just the pulp of the pod. (Decoction: Two cups of water to one bean bring to the boil and simmer for 20 minutes)
Infusion of the leaves taken as a tea or wash.
An essence made from the flowers. Can also make an essence from other parts of the tree.
Oil infusion\maceration made with the beans. Could make with the leaves.
The macerated oil then made into balms.
A syrup is made from the bean pulp and used in drinks. The pulp is also made into a type of molasses and the powder made into a chocolate which does not contain caffeine.
Carob as we know is a popular food. It also is a thickener and stabiliser in many processed foods!
I don't have photos of the group! But I do have some pictures of their artwork and words to share on their findings.
Ancient Knowledge, Wisdom, Nourishment, Tears, Tears of the world, Protection, Safety, Letting go of what no longer serves. Gratitude.
Open our Heart to the Sweetness of Life. Show you the way. Always seeing eye. Life is about the collective.
In Portugal the Carob Tree was about community coming together when harvesting the beans.
The Flower essence
Disentangles us from ancestral repeated patterns.
Releases the ancestral ties that do not belong to us.
It promotes harmony and healing in family or tribal disputes.
Helps to honour the Sacred space between us. Helps us to gather information and see All in a balanced humble way.
Star Guidance: To be at one with Self and guides us to be with each other for the good of all.
Making an oil maceration with the beans and then with this oil making a balm with wax has been an excellent rub for aches and pains. Also for dry scaly skin conditions.
A Protective Balm.
Making an oil infusion specifically with Olive oil and the beans making a great mineral rich supplement to add to salads and steamed veg.
I have worked with the flower essence as is described above and I have also found the following:
Support in grief, helps us to connect with our inner strength, balance, protection, safety, connect with our metal energy and learn from that. Find ease and release slowly. Heart Tonic. Convalesce and rebuilding medicine. An adapting welcoming wisdom.
This dear Tree is World Peace medicine connecting with the grief and overwhelm so many are holding. The vibration of this Tree supports us in letting this go and trust that this is going to take a while. Have to pace self and move in ones own internal rhythms and have patience. If try to over take self will loose grounding and other symptoms can occur depending on individual.
Energetic Cleansing with the Carob Shakedown.
You can have a look back at the Archives.
September 2014 and
December 2015- scroll down to Winter Celebrations.